With SaaS, progress means giving more for less.
The model-T Ford gave the world a reliable car for $295 whereas its cheapest rival cost nearly $3,000; it was also better quality and more reliable than most of its competitors. That is because the ma
StatPro changes Tariff
At StatPro we are always trying to find ways to offer our clients better value for money. We have, we believe, a first class range of products covering Performance Measurement, Equity Attribution, Fix
Cheaper. Faster. Better.
“Strategic Backgrounder: Software as a Service” was published by the Software & Information Industry’s (SIIA) eBusiness Division in February 2001. The concept, models and technology have all had
Why we need to create the role of the Super Employee
Credit crunch fatigue is probably setting in for many people, but I am sure that even they have some venom left for those individuals who presided over the whole debacle and yet walked away with milli
Mark to Model or Mark to Myth?
Asset managers and Custodians have a real problem valuing illiquid assets in their portfolios even though many of these assets are perfectly sound and the asset manager has no intention of selling the
Asset Managers need to reduce their costs – SaaS will help
Time changes everything. What was once state of the art becomes a cumbersome nuisance at some point. The explosion of activity that occurred in the 90’s when hundreds of small software companies built
Setting the Standard
When deciding to outsource or host software solutions with vendors it pays to know how they intend to deliver such a service. Software vendors write software, what makes them capable of hosting that s
The Future Landscape of Performance Attribution
It is now 20 years since the publication in the Financial Analysts Journal of the “Determinants of portfolio performance” by Brinson, Hood and Beebower, and together with “Measuring non-US equity port
Building a compliance culture in turbulent times
The Financial crisis has focused investment firms more than ever on the need to better monitor and manage risk. The conveyor-belt of ever more complex investment products has slowed and firms face inc
When box ticking goes too far
“Computer says no!” is how I felt when told of the decision of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS), a subsidiary of Riskmetrics, to declare that all our Non-Executive Directors (NED) were not “in
How sharp is the Sharpe ratio?
Any discussion on risk-adjusted performance measures must start with the grandfather of all risk measures the Sharpe Ratio or Reward to Variability which divides the excess return of a portfolio in ex
The Real Cost of Software
Software costs money. This cost is pretty visible, you get an invoice from your software vendor depending on the model; one off license costs, annual support agreements, annual subscriptions, upgrades