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Data-driven regulatory risk, compliance and reporting solutions

Empower your team with regulatory insight and flexible data automation, comprehensive analytics, and automated output through a controlled and auditable system covering all aspects of regulatory risk, compliance and reporting. Increase scalability and efficiency, while you navigate and comply with complicated global regulatory mandates.

Image of buildings

Rapidly respond to regulatory change

Business meeting regarding cost reduction and efficiency increase

Reduce costs and increase efficiency

Meeting to Consolidate data with use of graphs

Consolidate data

Proven and trusted

Regulatory Reporting

As the demand for regulatory transparency increases, a scalable and automated reporting solution with extended asset class coverage is necessary to ensure consistent oversight of risk and the ability to quickly respond to regulatory change.

Given compressed timelines and frequently changing regulatory mandates, decrease the disruption to your reporting process by implementing solutions that can easily accommodate and deliver reporting to clients and governing bodies.

Regulatory Reporting system screen grab on to a laptop
Regulatory icon 3d Projection

Confidence in

Regulatory Compliance

A comprehensive portfolio compliance monitoring solution is a requirement in today’s marketplace as regulations continue to put pressure on managers to provide granular detailed analysis, with enhanced transparency and robust audit trails.

Streamline and automate your compliance strategy, reducing manual and error-prone processes, while increasing operational efficiency.

Our Solutions

Integrated regulatory risk, compliance and reporting knowledge

Integrated analytics, flexible liquidity monitoring and reporting and regulatory compliance

Reduce cost, maintain compliance, and automate the regulatory reporting process

Scalable post-trade compliance reporting solution


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Preparing for PRIIPs KID: Key Considerations

Liquidity Shortfalls and Record-High Market Volatility Call for More Stringent Stress Testing, Monitoring and Reporting



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What We Do

Data-Driven Solutions

We are a global leader in data-driven investment management solutions, partnering with our clients to deliver products and services designed to optimize efficiency and control.