
StatPro launches Revolution on World Tour

Date: November 3, 2010

I have just completed a 13 day 30,000 mile round trip of the world from London via Boston, New York City, LA, Sydney, Johannesburg, Cape Town and finally back to London. Far from being exhausting it was exhilarating and tremendous fun. Every StatPro office was fired up with excitement about the launch of StatPro Revolution our innovative new service for analytics and keen to promote it to our clients and prospects.

The key message was why do we need a Revolution and what is this Revolution…?

boston revolution event image

Well we need a Revolution because in our business the provision and implementation of portfolio analytics is far too expensive and poorly adapted to the smaller players in the market. Revolution changes this by allowing fund managers to buy a portfolio’s worth of analysis rather than having to buy an entire system. At just $100 per month per portfolio for performance, attribution, risk, reporting, research and much more besides, that really is a Revolution. But it is also a Revolution for the larger players because the cost of deployment is

a tiny fraction of the cost of previous systems. As you can have as many users as you want at no additional cost it means that all the people in your fund management company can share the information, even your clients.

Read: New Insights for Asset Managers: How Technology Can Drive the Most Effective Middle Offices

On the tour we were asked many questions about the new service and interestingly they were mostly to do with how to get data into Revolution: what sort of file can I import, what sort of information can I add, can I put in benchmark data, can I put in my own classifications, what about derivatives, what about unquoted securities and so on? The answers are that you can import a variety of data types including holdings, prices, weights, returns, currencies, classifications, custom assets (including derivatives and unquoted securities) and benchmark data. Indeed one of the key benefits is being able to provide the front office with a service which uses the same data as the middle office and so reconciles (an impossibility today). The functionality of the service inspired universal admiration. People were impressed that an internet service worked faster than the current systems used. That didn’t surprise us. We know that Revolution works on super fast and massively scalable servers and that we can add servers as demand dictates, but many people still have the impression that the internet is “lightweight” and for “small” applications and that so called “heavy duty” systems have to be installed in-house to work at an acceptable speed. This is far from reality.

boston revolution event image Boston Office StatPro Revolution event

Revolution is far more powerful than our traditional services and it is effectively already deployed, meaning that anyone can start using it right now. They only have to add their data and they can start using it immediately.

The overall message we got from the world tour was that whether we were in Boston or New York, Sydney or Johannesburg our clients and prospects loved the product, its simplicity and its immediacy. They loved the comprehensive analysis and beautiful reports and most important of all, they all saw how they could use it to win new business.

We think that you will love StatPro Revolution too – sign up now and change the way you analyse performance.


“StatPro’s “Revolution” is an innovative and creative approach to delivering cost-effective performance measurement reporting. Especially for firms with a limited number of accounts, who have a need for such reporting but can’t justify using a traditional approach. It provides great flexibility and accessibility which will surely be welcome by many.”
Patrick Fowler, COO, The Spaulding Group

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