School of StatPro: GIPSⓇ – fair representation, full disclosure
GIPS 20:20 – the latest update of the Global Investment Performance Standards, with commentary from Carl Bacon

The Art of Perfection: Time Immemorial
The Art of Perfection: Time Immemorial

Culture Change in Fund Administration
Why automated review in the fund administration world still lags behind the straight-through-processing adopted for fund accounting 20+ years ago.

Money Talks: the true cost of running your own on-premise performance measurement system
Asset managers need to compare the cost of on-premise performance management systems to cloud-based alternatives.

Risk Measurement: A call for standards
Risk measurement has grown beyond the ‘Wild West’ mentality of its youth and needs standards in order to fulfil its promise of protecting investors.

Dazed and Confused: the complexity of performance measurement across multiple asset classes [SlideShare]
Dazed and Confused: the complexity of performance measurement across multiple asset classes [SlideShare]

UK Regulator Clarifies Position for Non-EU AIFMs
The UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has amended its rules on Annex IV reporting following consultation during 2016. The amendments affect non-EU AIFMs.

Increment or Platform: How Regulation is Driving the Move from Point Solutions to Platform Technology
Increment or Platform: How Regulation is Driving the Move from Point Solutions to Platform Technology

Computer says no (can’t handle complex range of asset classes)
Computer says no (can’t handle complex range of asset classes)

School of StatPro: Five different ways to think about investment returns
How to conduct more sophisticated portfolio performance analysis

Why inflexible middle office workflows equal operational risk
Find out what a flexible workflow in the middle office looks like in practice

2017 or The Rise of RegTech
2017 or The Rise of RegTech