
Asset Service Providers: How to achieve scale with flexibility

Asset Service Providers: How to achieve scale with flexibility

Producing high quality and accurate data and analytics in an ever shorter time frame is at the heart of the scalability challenge for asset service providers. Legacy performance and risk systems running on outdated software architecture simply can’t scale to meet today’s demands for the middle office.

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What does the VIX really tell us?

What does the VIX really tell us?

A lot has been made of the recent spike in the VIX, which in February jumped from single-digit levels to nearly 50% following a prolonged period of low volatility. Now that “market volatility is back,” we thought it would be a good time to examine what exactly the VIX measures and how to interpret it.

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New School Risk Management

New School Risk Management

Good asset managers can speak in depth about the return expectations of their portfolio in the scope of the current macro-environment. However, fewer manager…

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