August 2023 Factor Performance Analysis
In August, global public equities fell by about 4.3% as measured by the MSCI ACWI, but are still up over 10% this year.
Cyclicals vs. Defensives in Rising Interest Rates
The macroeconomic backdrop holds a paramount influence on driving growth and value factor performances. Among these, interest rates…
FT Adviser: High beta funds have their moment to shine
Our latest Factor Performance report is featured in the latest FT Adviser Asset Allocator Newsletter, covering key highlights from the report.
Q2 2023 Fee Analyzer High Dividend Opportunities in Emerging Markets Equity
This report used Confluence’s Investment Metrics Analyzer, the institutional industry’s mostcomprehensive tool to analyze post-negotiated…
Q2 2023 Plan Universe Allocation & Return Analysis
The Q2 2023 Investment Metrics Plan Universe Report – the industry’s most granular analytics tool for plan sponsors – reported positive returns, at a median level, in the second quarter of 2023.
Institutional Investor: Value Stocks Beat Growth in July
The latest Factor Performance report from Investment Metrics, a Confluence company, is the focus of a new article from Institutional Investor, which highlights how all value subfactors outperformed their benchmarks last month and other key findings from the report.
Wealth Management Firms Use Case
Clients rely on you to navigate the complex financial market and deliver unique, continuous value to meet their investment objectives. You have the expertise, however it’s challenging to stay ahead of ever-changing market conditions, with research often time-consuming and costly.
July Factor Performance Analysis 2023
In July, global equity markets continued their momentum from Q1 and Q2 as the MSCI ACWI index returned an additional 3%, amounting to over 15% YTD.
Top Compliance Concern: an SEC Exam on the Marketing Rule Forewarned is Fair Play?
Elevated Fears and Stress abound for registered SEC Adviser firms as they evaluate their firm’s readiness for an inevitable SEC examination for compliance with the new Marketing Rule.
Q2 2023 Factor Performance Analysis video
Our latest Q2 factor performance analysis highlights a strong quarter for global public equities. The global economy faced significant challenges entering 2023, yet economic activity proved to be more resilient than economists forecasted.
Q2 2023 Manager Research: U.S. Large Cap Value Equity Performance
U.S. large cap growth continues to outperform value, but value managers outperform benchmark as growth managers struggle to keep pace with Russell 1000 Index
Q2 Preliminary Plan Universe Performance
Defined Benefit plans in the Investment Metrics Plan Sponsor Universes posted a median net return of 2.82% in the second quarter of 2023