Sharing online has become a part of our everyday lives and it’s increasingly becoming important to businesses.
Our infographic ‘The Psychology of Sharing’ shows how we can all be characterized as particular types of ‘sharers’ and how those characteristics, along with the growth of social media, are shaping our online activity… whether that be personally; in business, or even how our CEOs are sharing.
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6 Types of Sharers
People share information online in different ways. According to a study* these can be divided in to ‘6 different types of sharer.’ These personas reflect the sharer’s emotional motivations and how those emotions manifest themselves in terms of sharing activity.
We all share for different reasons
The action of sharing requires intent. Our infographic visualizes research that was conducted into the motivations behind sharing. At the top, with 94% of respondents agreeing, is ‘bringing value and entertainment’ to people within their social networks. 84% agreed that they shared online to promote causes that they cared about. A total of 78% said that they share in order to ‘nourish relationships,’ where sharing information enables them to stay connected to people where otherwise it would be difficult due to schedules or distance. ‘Self-fulfilment’ was a motivation for sharing in 69% of respondents, as sharing online allowed them to feel more involved in the world. Finally, 68% of respondents cited ‘define identity’ as an important goal of sharing. In other words, what they share informs the world about who they are and how they would like to be viewed.
Have a look at StatPro’s shared views on the AIFMD (Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive). Further resources are available at where you can find out more about how StatPro has built the concept of sharing in to its cloud based portfolio analytics.
How we share
Social networks are not just the domain of the individual or the consumer. It’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to be seen sharing online, and even for CEOs to have sharing visibility in the age of social media. But there are different traits and practices when it comes to sharing online for you, your business and your CEO.
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The influence of social networks is apparent as 23% of Facebook users check the site five or more times a day. We can also see the importance of sharing ‘on the go’ with mobile sites for Facebook and Instagram being the most popular. In fact, 189 million Facebook users are ‘mobile only.’ The influence of social media by no means precludes the older generations from this sharing revolution, indeed the 55-64 age bracket is currently the fastest growing demographic on Twitter.
CEOs have been late to the online sharing revolution with 68% of Fortune 500 CEOs having no social presence at all. However, a study conducted shows that whilst in 2012 only 16% of CEOs used social media for customer communication, this is set to grow to 57% by 2017. Above all, it seems that email is still king for CEOs in terms of sharing, with 90% of executives checking their inboxes regularly.
Businesses have become comfortable with social networking and our infographic shows that 1 million websites are now integrated with Facebook. Consumers identify with businesses on Twitter, with 67% of Twitter users saying they are more likely to buy from brands that they follow. This is also reflected in the statistic that 85% of people feel more connected to businesses when they are following them on social networks, and 82% of buyers saying that they trust a company more if its CEO is active in social media.
* Study carried out by The New York Times