
Teamwork Series 4: All Fired Up!

Date: December 17, 2015

Here’s the final installment in our Teamwork Series, and if StatPro’s Holiday Stress Test was designed for anyone, it’s surely this poor fella.

StatPro Holiday Stress Test


Captain Meltdown!

Let’s make no bones about it, Captain Meltdown needs a break! He’s more than ready to get away from the office, pamper himself and get a well-deserved rest.

In theory, there’s nothing wrong with people who consistently give their all. But those who are in a perpetual state of high stress have a habit of passing their tension onto others and that’s not good news for the team.

As a matter of fact, you might be forgiven for thinking Captain Meltdown is the personification of the typical middle office in a number of asset management firms. As PwC said recently: “the industry continues to face challenging markets, the implementation of regulatory reform initiatives, competition for clients and talent and new expectations from investors, regulators, industry partners and other stakeholders.” Clearly, all of this can be extremely demanding and stressful.

Stress management is the key for our meltdown friend here. Accepting help from colleagues is not a weakness. Indeed, having the wisdom to be able to distinguish between what can and cannot be controlled is a real advantage in today’s complex financial world of ‘known unknowns’. With the right information and management plan, even Captain Meltdown can regain some equilibrium and a sense of perspective.

Does the Captain Meltdown persona sound like you? Take The StatPro Holiday Stress Test to find out.

And before I sign off, let me wish you all a very happy holiday. See you again in 2016!