
StatPro Revolution Update – August 2013

Date: August 12, 2013

The August release of StatPro Revolution includes some exciting features and functions from a new liquidity risk dashboard to the inclusion of the UK and US Freedom Indexes for all StatPro Revolution users. 

Log in to have a look or read more below.

Liquidity risk: In June 2013 we introduced the Risk Limits Monitoring module, which allows you to oversee the risk and exposure of selected portfolios for compliance with the UCITS IV regulation. Limits can be set for monitoring and a traffic light approach is used to identify early warnings and breaches. This month we’ve enriched it with detailed analysis of liquidity risk, which can be seen in a brand new dashboard in the Risk section.


StatPro Revolution risk analysis dashboard Click on the image to see more detail


Help pages: In addition to the existing StatPro Revolution Forum, we have added dedicated help pages for the Admin, Analysis and Reports sections. Click on the help icon StatPro Revolution support help icon to open a help page containing the full list of articles on the given topic.

Freedom Indexes: Starting with the UK and US we have added the first of a growing family of Freedom Indexes to StatPro Revolution. Freedom Indexes are available to all StatPro Revolution users free of charge.

Read: New Insights for Asset Managers: How Technology Can Drive the Most Effective Middle Offices

Custom identifiers: You can now upload your own custom security identifiers (e.g. Bloomberg tickers) for display purposes. You will still need to upload one of the standard market identifiers recognized by StatPro Revolution such as the ticker + exchange code, ISIN, SEDOL, CUSIP, but in addition to the security name and ISIN, you can now display your custom identifier in StatPro Revolution dashboards.

StatPro Revolution Excel Add-In: Retrieve your portfolio data, performance, risk, and other statistics directly into your Excel spreadsheet. Our free Excel add-in (available for both 32- and 64-bit versions) can now be downloaded from StatPro Revolution App Store.

StatPro Revolution Web API Explorer: A simple to use website that allows you to extract your StatPro Revolution results data as just numbers and dates. It’s also a handy tool to interactively explore the capabilities of the StatPro Revolution Web API. It doesn’t use Flash, and so can be used from an iPad and other tablets.

Log in now to see these new features.

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