
By the Numbers: Launching our Next Generation Performance Solution

Date: March 21, 2017

On September 28th 2016, we launched Revolution Performance, the latest expansion to the StatPro Revolution platform.

Roadshow Infographic

In our brand new infographic we depict how we took Revolution Performance on the road to 13 cities around the world, starting it all off in London.

Revolution Performance is our new cloud-based performance measurement and data management solution, which we developed using the latest cloud-based technologies which offers unprecedented computing power combined with our global expertise and experience.

StatPro Revolution Performance
has been designed to reduce the turnaround time for managing and delivering performance results to stakeholders. It helps you manage and control data more efficiently, calculates results faster than any other system and allows you to validate and distribute results for analysis and reporting, all within a single platform.

See how Revolution Performance provides:

• Scalability and power
• Visual and clear workflows
• Advanced data control and checks
• Intelligent and smart functionality

Click here to view a video case study to hear how National Australia Bank have transformed their performance measurement capabilities.

StatPro – Make it Simple.









