
6 reasons why StatPro Seven clients are evaluating StatPro Revolution

Date: November 28, 2012

As regulations force the need for transparency, clients are demanding more information faster.

 Having the data you need at your fingertips to share your story is important when it comes to building trust with clients. It’s no wonder that an increasing numbers of clients of StatPro Seven, a tool designed for the middle office, are buying StatPro Revolution as well. Here’s the feedback we’ve received:

Clearer information, improved client service, faster

In the past data has been trapped in traditional technologies and users have been restricted to using devices that are compatible with these existing systems. StatPro Revolution is a cloud-based portfolio analytics solution that allows you to analyze your data in intuitive dashboards and reports you can access at any time, from any location, using any device with an internet connection.

Importantly, StatPro Revolution lets users share their portfolio internally, with clients, distributors or other stakeholders such as Fund Administrators, ACDs, AFMs or Boards of Directors.

Monthly and daily analysis, in one place at a lower cost

A key reason for using StatPro Seven and StatPro Revolution together is that your performance team can access daily analysis enabling them to respond to business needs fast. Many of our clients work to monthly production cycles and therefore can only produce performance attribution or risk reporting on a monthly basis. Often this means they are using and maintaining a different system for their daily analysis. StatPro Revolution allows them to provide daily “flash” reports, and then at month end, to produce checked reports.

You’d think access to daily reporting would cost more than 100 US$ per portfolio, per month, but think again. Being a cloud-based solution, StatPro Revolution has a zero IT footprint. There are no CAPEX costs, just operational costs and because we optimise the usage of our cloud platform, we can share the reduced costs with our clients. In fact many of the real costs of hosting your software are hidden in terms of support, downtime and the management of all the complexity of modern systems. We take that away completely.

Read: New Insights for Asset Managers: How Technology Can Drive the Most Effective Middle Offices

Bundled data allows for better analysis

Traditionally StatPro Seven and similar systems have left the client to manage their own market data feeds. StatPro Revolution comes with benchmark and asset pricing data already integrated.

There are two key benefits to having integrated data. The first is to avoid the duplication of effort of gathering the same market data as everyone else and the second is that StatPro Revolution has a huge and growing database that can be accessed instantly. This means that you can reap the economies of scale StatPro Revolution offers to carry out a far wider and richer range of analysis than would otherwise be possible. So you can view portfolios in new ways, make what if analysis and model portfolios easily.

Meet regulations and increase productivity 

Cloud computing overcomes many of the limitations put in place by traditional technologies. Its sharing capabilities along with access to all the analysis (performance, contribution, attribution, fixed income, asset allocation and risk) allows fund managers to meet new regulations for transparency and reporting.

Empowering fund managers to produce their own analysis saves time typically spent iteratively setting up and running ad hoc reports letting performance teams focus on adding value and getting the data right.

The fixed income attribution and risk bonus

StatPro Revolution is one of the most comprehensive portfolio analytics tools on the market providing clients with access to performance, contribution, attribution, fixed income, asset allocation and ex-ante risk analytics for just US$100 per portfolio per month. Many StatPro Seven clients use only performance attribution and reporting – for these clients adding our fixed income attribution and ex-ante risk modules would come at a significant cost and might not be justified if they had limited needs. The basic StatPro Revolution service doesn’t provide all the functionality of StatPro Seven, but it offers a lot of valuable analysis for a great price.

Enhanced presentations help to increase sales/AUM

Whilst the investment management industry is still dealing with the repercussions of the credit crisis and trying to keep up with increasing regulations, building trust is incredibly important to retain clients and win new business. StatPro Revolution is a great communication tool. The high impact graphics and white-labelled reporting capability will impress your clients and get clients engaged. StatPro Revolution is widely used by sales and marketing departments to share investment stories and illustrate to clients and prospects exactly how value can be added to clients’ portfolios.

StatPro Revolution is definitely something worth thinking about if you’re a StatPro Seven customer. The improvements StatPro Revolution brings for productivity, analysis, communication, sales, service, meeting regulation and reducing costs are too good to miss. Even if cloud computing is not something you are familiar with, meeting regulations, improving analysis, retaining clients, increasing AUM or maintaining your front office platform probably is.

StatPro Revolution is being enhanced rapidly and we are focusing on the key needs of our existing StatPro Seven clients with new functionality planned over the coming months to address their requests.

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