The psychology of sharing – Infographic
Sharing online has become a part of our everyday lives and it’s increasingly becoming important to businesses. Our infographic ‘The Psychology of Sharing’ shows how we can all be characterized as part

Sharing relevant information for the right reasons – a compliance view
Dallas McGillivray, Group MD, FMConsult discusses how controlled sharing is needed in the investment community but only if it is the right information, shared for the right reasons.
Five Steps to Stress Free Year End After-Tax Returns
…my five steps for a quick and less painful after-tax returns season. You just might have more time for the craziness noted above–or for those who… stress free
AIFMD Forces Asset Managers to Focus on Their “True Intentions”
As I travel through Europe meeting with asset managers, it is apparent that many are unprepared to face the challenges that AIFMD will impose across the financial services industry.
The Business Value of Corporate Values
In practice, each member of the Confluence team is tasked with thinking about how to make the rest of the organization succeed… corporate values

Share this…not that
Katie Ohnemus, on StatPro Revolution’s sharing capabilities and their impact for global organizations.

Stop, collaborate and listen…sharing performance data in a controlled way
Neil Smyth, Marketing and Technology Director discusses how he’s sharing applications in a controlled environment at StatPro and how the cloud can enable rapid deployment of valuable information acros

StatPro Revolution Update – October 2013
The October release of StatPro Revolution includes part of the advanced portfolio sharing and user management roll out.

Can sharing enhance your client communication? – Infographic
StatPro have gathered a range of investment industry data and combined it into an infographic showing the increasing popularity of social media as a communication and research tool for investment prof
Tackling the AIFMD Transparency Reporting Challenge
The challenges and the cost implications facing many AIFMs and administrators who want to offer transparency reporting will … AIFMD transparency
More People, More Problems? The Trap of using Manpower over Automation
By resisting the trap to use manpower over automation, organizations can realize efficiencies such as: the creation and harmonization of …
Curiosity Did Not Kill the Cat and if it Did, There are 8 Lives to Go
Our discussion centered around two concepts in Mr. Bell’s post, “generous curiosity” and “divine discontent”, and how those concepts related to Confluence’s core values…