AIFMD Depositories and the Impact of AIFMD on Fund Managers
For the alternate investment fund (AIF) industry, the spotlight is on Alternate fund manager’s directive (AIFMD).

The Journey Towards AIFM Authorization
Alternate Investment Fund Manager’s Directive (AIFMD) will not only bring in a major shift in the way the industry does business but also aggravate the cost and complexities of compliance.

It Turns Out You Can Have Your Regulatory Cake and Eat it Too
There is a significant amount of data overlap between the multitude of forms and filings a registered asset manager or registered fund must …. regulatory

Our New London Office
We are delighted to let you know that we moved to brand new offices in Wimbledon on the 17th March where we can accommodate more people and serve you better.

StatPro Revolution Update – March 2014
The March release brings the final part of the advanced portfolio sharing and user management functionality as well as a brand new UCITS/AIF Commitment Leverage calculation module.

Put Your Money Where Your Meeting Is
The simplest method, in my opinion, is to quantify the discussion in terms of economics. To follow the old adage “Time is money,” … meetings

The Psychology of Sharing: Take our quiz!
Not everyone uses social media in the same way and we all have different purposes for why and how we share. Based on a recent study* it has been mooted that we can be categorized into 6 different type

Lighthouse Clients Shine Their Light on MVPs
At Confluence, we are careful to ensure that our validated learning comes from multiple sources. These early sources of learning are what we call “lighthouse clients”.
Buggy Whips, Kodak Film and Typesetting
When I first started out in the investment management industry many years ago, I became intimately familiar with the various FedEx drop boxes… typesetting
UK Authorities Grant Much Needed Extension for AIFMD Authorisation Filing
The FCA’s decision to change the filing deadline is a direct result of concerns raised by stakeholders in the industry to … AIFMD
The Regulatory Change Sneaking Up on Investment Advisers
No, I am not talking about the second round of Money Market Reform and the accompanying changes to Form N-MFP. I am talking about … regulatory change

StatPro Revolution Update – December 2013
The December release of StatPro Revolution includes the second part of the advanced portfolio sharing and user management roll out.